Want To Learn CI/CD For FREE?

Extract. Transform. Read.

A newsletter from Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource

Hi past, present or future data professional!

As someone who in the not-too-distant past Googled how to use a certain kitchen utensil (it may or may not have been a can opener), I can tell you there’s not much you won’t find on the search engine–except for how to use one of Google’s own products.

In conversation with a peer, I realized that a process I take for granted, deploying a cloud function from GitHub using GitHub Actions, is lacking documentation. Sure, you can find bits and pieces from each platform, but in trying to answer a question, I couldn’t find anything that would tell you how to go from your IDE to GitHub to an automated Google Cloud Function.

Instead of rubbing my hands together with glee knowing I’ve figured it out after deploying nearly 200 cloud functions, I took the extra step of creating a 5-day course that teaches you, with code, how to deploy a function on the cloud–an incredibly marketable skill for any data engineering candidate to possess and demonstrate.

To spread knowledge, this course is 100% free and can be completed at your own pace.

Between GitHub & Google Cloud, you’ll learn how to:

  • Structure GitHub files for smoother deployments
  • Build a CI/CD pipeline from scratch
  • Leverage GitHub Actions to deploy code
  • Schedule your build to create an automated solution
  • Run & validate to avoid errors

***Enroll here***

When you sign up, you’ll also gain access to a private repository containing code examples, including Python code for a simple ETL pipeline that you can alter and run.

This is my first time presenting knowledge in course form, so I’m excited to hear how it helps you.

Send me a message: zach@pipelinetode.com.

Until next time–thanks for ingesting,


Pipeline To DE

Top data engineering writer on Medium & Senior Data Engineer in media; I use my skills as a former journalist to demystify data science/programming concepts so beginners to professionals can target, land and excel in data-driven roles.

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